Tuesday, October 6, 2009

PHP pagination class

Here is a script to give you a good pagination.
Saved this php script to pagination.php

file: pagination.php

class Pagination
var $currentPage, $itemCount, $itemsPerPage, $linksHref, $linksToDisplay;
var $pageJumpBack, $pageJumpNext, $pageSeparator;

function __construct()
$this->currentPage = "";
$this->itemCount = "";
$this->itemsPerPage = "";
$this->linksHref = "";
$this->linksToDisplay = "";
$this->pageJumpBack = "";
$this->pageJumpNext = "";
$this->pageSeparator = "";

function SetCurrentPage($reqCurrentPage){
$this->currentPage = (integer) abs($reqCurrentPage);

function SetItemCount($reqItemCount){
$this->itemCount = (integer) abs($reqItemCount);

function SetItemsPerPage($reqItemsPerPage){
$this->itemsPerPage = (integer) abs($reqItemsPerPage);

function SetLinksHref($reqLinksHref){
$this->linksHref = $reqLinksHref;

function SetLinksFormat($reqPageJumpBack, $reqPageSeparator, $reqPageJumpNext){
$this->pageJumpBack = $reqPageJumpBack;
$this->pageSeparator = $reqPageSeparator;
$this->pageJumpNext = $reqPageJumpNext;

function SetLinksToDisplay($reqLinksToDisplay){
$this->linksToDisplay = (integer) abs($reqLinksToDisplay);

function SetQueryStringVar($reqQueryStringVar){
$this->queryStringVar = $reqQueryStringVar;

function SetQueryString($reqQueryString){
$this->queryString = $reqQueryString;

function SetPGver($tmp){
$this->verpg= $tmp;

function GetCurrentCollection($reqCollection){
if($this->currentPage < 1){
$start = 0;
elseif($this->currentPage > $this->GetPageCount()){
$start = $this->GetPageCount() * $this->itemsPerPage - $this->itemsPerPage;
$start = $this->currentPage * $this->itemsPerPage - $this->itemsPerPage;
return array_slice($reqCollection, $start, $this->itemsPerPage);

function GetPageCount(){
return (integer)@ceil($this->itemCount/$this->itemsPerPage);

function GetPageLinks(){
$strLinks = '';

$pageCount = $this->GetPageCount();
$queryString = $this->GetQueryString();
$linksPad = floor($this->linksToDisplay/2);

if($this->linksToDisplay == -1){
$this->linksToDisplay = $pageCount;

if($pageCount == 0){
$strLinks = '1';
} elseif($this->currentPage - 1 <= $linksPad || ($pageCount - $this->linksToDisplay + 1 == 0)){
$start = 1;
} elseif($pageCount - $this->currentPage <= $linksPad){
$start = $pageCount - $this->linksToDisplay + 1;
} else {
$start = $this->currentPage - $linksPad;

if($start > 1){
$pageNum = $start - $this->linksToDisplay + $linksPad;
if($pageNum < 1){
$pageNum = 1;
$strLinks .= '<a href="'.$this->linksHref.$queryString.$pageNum.'">';
$strLinks .= $this->pageJumpBack.'</a>'.$this->pageSeparator;
$strLinks .= '<a href="'.$this->linksHref.$queryString.'1">1...</a>'.$this->pageSeparator;
if($start + $this->linksToDisplay > $pageCount){
$end = $pageCount;
else {
$end = $start + $this->linksToDisplay - 1;

for($i = $start; $i <= $end; $i ++){
if($i != $this->currentPage){
$strLinks .= '<a href="'.$this->linksHref.$queryString.($i).'">';
$strLinks .= ($i).'</a>'.$this->pageSeparator;
else {
if($this->GetPageCount()> 1 ) {
$strLinks .= " [ <b>".$i.$this->pageSeparator."</b>] ";
} else{
$strLinks .= " <b>".$i.$this->pageSeparator."</b> ";
} else{
$strLinks .= $i.$this->pageSeparator;

$this->s_print ((eregi("page=".$this->queryStringVar.'.', $this->queryString)) ? $this->pg1 : '');
$strLinks = substr($strLinks, 0, -strlen($this->pageSeparator));

if($start + $this->linksToDisplay - 1 < $pageCount){
$strLinks .= $this->pageSeparator.'<a href="'.$this->linksHref.$queryString.$pageCount.'">';
$strLinks .= '...'.$pageCount.'</a>'.$this->pageSeparator;

$pageNum = $start + $this->linksToDisplay + $linksPad;
if($pageNum > $pageCount){
$pageNum = $pageCount;
$strLinks .= '<a href="'.$this->linksHref.$queryString.$pageNum.'">';
$strLinks .= $this->pageJumpNext.'</a>';
return $strLinks;

function GetQueryString(){
$pattern = array('/'.$this->queryStringVar.'=[^&]*&?/', '/&$/');
$replace = array('', '');
$queryString = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $this->queryString);
$queryString = str_replace('&', '&', $queryString);

$queryString.= '&';

return '?'.$queryString.$this->queryStringVar.'=';

function GetSqlLimit(){
$this->curPage = (($this->currentPage * $this->itemsPerPage - $this->itemsPerPage)<0)?0:($this->currentPage * $this->itemsPerPage - $this->itemsPerPage);
return ' LIMIT '.$this->curPage.', '.$this->itemsPerPage;

function page_pagination($until_row,$total_result,$CurrentPage,$link_display,$ver=1){
$CurrentPage = ($CurrentPage=="" || $CurrentPage=="0") ? 1 : $CurrentPage;
$this->SetLinksFormat('« Back',' • ','Next »');

if(isset($_GET[$this->queryStringVar]) && is_numeric($_GET[$this->queryStringVar])){

$this->SetItemsPerPage($until_row); // - set the number of item per page to display
$this->SetLinksToDisplay($link_display); // - set the number of page links to display
$this->SetLinksFormat( " Previous", " | ", "Next " ); // format


$begin_num = (0 >= ($until_row * $CurrentPage) - $until_row ) ? 1 : ($until_row * $CurrentPage - $until_row );
$until_num = ($total_result < $until_row * $CurrentPage) ? $total_result : ($until_row * $CurrentPage);

$this->SetLinksFormat( " Previous", " | ", "Next " ); // format

$tmpObj[] = "Displaying : $begin_num - $until_num of $total_result / Page ".$this->GetPageLinks();
$tmpObj[] = $this->GetSqlLimit();
$tmpObj[] = $begin_num;
$tmpObj[] = $until_num;
} else{
$this->SetLinksFormat( " ", " ", " " ); // format

$tmpObj[] = $this->GetPageLinks();
$tmpObj[] = $this->GetSqlLimit();
$tmpObj[] = $begin_num;
$tmpObj[] = $until_num;

return $tmpObj;

function s_print($str){

## end pagin

This is how to use the pagination class with database access
be sure you have a connection to your database.


$page = $_GET['page'];
$sql = "select id from content order by date desc";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);

$pageobject = new Pagination();
$pageobject->page_pagination(15, $num_rows,$page, 10);
$limit = $pageobject->GetSqlLimit();

// display query results here

// display pagination
echo $pageobject->GetPageLinks();


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